HealthCheck 3h-ViralCheck Test – HIV/HCV/HBV Combo Test Kits is a Simple, quick and reliable HIV/HCV/HBV combo test kits.
Director for Use
Take your time to read the package leaflet
Results Interpretation
NEGATIVE: A pink line appears only in the control region (C), indicating a negative result for HIV, HBV, and for HCV infections.
POSITIVE: A pink control line (C) and detectable test line(s0 (T1-T3) appears, indicating positive result for HIV, HBV, and/or HCV infections. Line T1: HIV Positive, Line T2: HBsAG Positive, Line T3: HCV Positive.
INVALID: NO visible line appears at the control (C). Repeat with a new test device.
Do not reuse. Do not use after expiry date. Store in dry cool place away from the reach of children.