Swedish Bitters remarkably cleanses the system, promotes regularity, improves digestion, soothes and even energizes too. Swedish Bitters regulate stomach acidity by stimulating the production of digestive enzymes such as hydrochloric acid;
In addition Swedish Bitters help to regulate the production of insulin in your pancreas, which can help prevent the spikes in blood sugar that can cause changes in your mood and energy levels. Swedish Bitters also support liver function by promoting the efficient functioning and cleansing action of the liver. Swedish Bitters reduce stress by creating a subtle, beneficial impact on your mood and in some cases can even have an antidepressant effect.
Direction on Use
When you take bitters, what you are really trying to do is stimulate the bitter receptors on your tongue. This is what triggers the production of the digestive enzymes. These bitter receptors are located towards the back of your tongue, so that exactly where the bitters need to go.
Be sure to read the instructions that come with your Swedish Bitters, but in general this is what you need to do. The Bitters will usually come with a dropper, so use this to place a few drops on the back of your tongue. Use between half a dropper and a full dropper. Take them before or immediately after a meal, followed by two glasses of water. Alternatively you can put the drops in water and drink them that way.